Explore breakthroughs and innovations in the flange process, including different production technologies, materials, processes, and more. Learn how leading brands continually improve user experience and service.

  Enhance customer purchase intention through technological advancement. Learn how leading brands continue to improve user experience and enhance functionality through technological advancements.

Company Culture

  A strong company culture, aligned with our mission to “work for better life while enjoying good life,” enhances employee engagement, attracts top talent, and drives productivity, ultimately leading to improved performance and a positive brand reputation.

Industry Related

  As the first professional manufacturer of electronic control handles in China, we are dedicated to specializing in fields such as construction machinery, aerial work platforms, landscaping equipment, and electronic monitoring devices. We stay abreast of industry developments and the latest trends, maintaining close communication with our customers and leading the industry. Committed to putting customers first, we stay ahead of customer needs and produce products that exceed their expectations.

Product Knowledge

  We understand that a good product is always a customer’s top priority. As a leader in the industry, we have the most experienced structural designers, electronic and electrical designers, and process improvement designers in the country. This enables us to continually optimize product design and enhance product quality, ensuring that every product we produce exceeds customer expectations and meets their needs.